Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hanging out with Papa at Nana's House

Nathan, Andrew and Kayla love to spend time at Nana's house, but it is Papa they love to spend time with 'cause Papa has all the cool places to be and things to do. While Mommy and Daddy celebrate their 10th anniversary in Hawaii our Three Little Smiling faces keep Nana and Papa busy. Sweeping the garage was a lot of fun.
Now they have a great place to ride trikes, throw balls, play with play dough and beans. Of course garage doors open to expand the ball throwing and bike riding area.

Some of the fun things we did were filling the bird feeders, wagon walks to the mail box before bath time, Picnic breakfast on Nana's bedroom
floor watching a movie. The favorite of this week is a Veggie Tails -The night before Easter, with a big robot rabbit. Eating dinner outside on the patio, making animal stamp pictures and getting ink all over our hands.

Every day we went somewhere. One field trip was to the airport to watch the planes and play in Papa's airplane. Sitting in pilot seats and pushing buttons. But they are not ready to let Papa turn the plane on. That would be too noisy. They will wait until Daddy can go with them on that first adventure.

A Field trip to the Railroad Park for a picnic, train ride and a carousal ride.

Another day we have the local park all to ourselves to swing, slide, climb up and down the ladders, pull each other up and down the slide.Nathan and Andrew laugh hard trying to get up the slide. Nathan keeps slipping down on to Andrew so then Andrew decides he is going to help Nathan by sitting/laying at the top and pulling Nathan up.

Kayla just loves being outside doing anything and
loves it even more if she can watch her brothers or do what they do.

Cabela's, allows Nathan and Andrew to sneak up on some geese outside the
front door. It is a little scary and exciting until they realize the geese are not real. They see an elephant up close and personal, it is real but not alive, like all the animals in Papa's office; play in the little tents just their size with window to look out and seats to sit on. Kayla got involved trying to find where her brothers were hiding.

One day we went to the Library to get new books, reading several before making their choice of 2 to 'check out. The Librarian shows them how to check out their own books.

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